Improving Slope Stability of Stockpile Embankment at Tom Price


Tom Price, Western Australia


Rio Tinto


+61 8 6375 9100

We were engaged by Rio Tinto Iron Ore to mitigate the risks of slope failure of the embankment at the High-Grade Coarse Ore Stockpile in Tom Price.

Following Cyclone Damien (2020), severe scour and erosion were noted around the stockpile embankment, increasing the risk of undermining and slope failure. Dust build-up and falling cobbles were also identified as key risks to personnel working below and were to be addressed as part of the Pre-Feasibility Study (PFS).

Our geotechnical and civil teams have been engaged to conduct an extensive site reconnaissance visit and a geotechnical investigation for the project. As part of their work, they were responsible for developing three conceptual engineering design options as part of the PFS to support the subsequent feasibility study phase. The team led an options assessment phase using a multi-criteria assessment framework which nominated a preferred option to progress to 30% engineering design.

BGER’s team initially planned for intrusive ground investigation, however, we adapted our approach to develop conceptual ground models and stability analyses based on assumed/interpreted in-situ material characteristics due to the deferment of ground access to the next study phase.

BGER’s technical experts supported the design and addressed the stability issues whilst considering constructability, staging and temporary works requirements to implement the project during a narrow shutdown window. Options assessment workshops and risk workshops have been carried out collaboratively with the client and relevant stakeholders.

The slope stabilisation project is a critical safety initiative that will minimise the risk of slope failure and reduce the risk of any falling objects off the stockpile. It will also improve the maintainability of the stockpile and address the current site concerns regarding the build-up of dust. We are working towards making a positive impact and protecting the safety of workers on-site and the surrounding community.

Image: Veronica Corinaldi (BGER), Koby O’Brien (RTIO) and Hugo-Acosta Martinez (BGER) on-site at Tom Price, Western Australia.

Veronica & Hugo At Tom Price, Rio Tinto Site 1

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